Exolar Energy

Exolar Energy is a new age company that provides the combination of efficient economics and sustainability through use of solar energy.
Rooftop solar is most financially beneficial now and we, at Exolar, are at the forefront of the solar revolution throughdistributed solar.

Get the Exolar advantage
we understand better

Strong top Management
Exolar is founded by solar sector professionals with qualification from IIT and deep experience across the value chain viz. design,.

We are transparent. We value our partnership. We offer multiple combinations for you to choose from. We are available for discussions, always.

Best Techno-Commercial Offer
We offer the best solution that focuses on both technology and commercial aspects without compromise any one of them.

Top of the class O&M Practices
We follow best proactive and preventive maintenance practices to give your plant smooth operation and maximum possible generation

Engineering excellence
Expertise along the value chain. Our strong engineering team helps get the maximum value.

Deep Knowledge of Equipment
Through experience and knowledge of and relationship with leading equipment manufacturers.

Execution Excellence
Execution team combines knowledge of equipment, engineering and project management practices for effective and efficient execution.

Remote Monitoring and Data Analytics
We put the control of the plant in your hands through data collection and periodic analysis so that you understand the parameters easily.

Why Go Solar ?

Steps for successful
solar rooftop installation
Proposal and Acceptance
* Preparation of optimized commercial terms and conditions.
* Submission of techno-commercial proposal to client.
* Client accepts the proposal and returns signed documents.
* Client gets maximum possible value.
* We suggest options, when feasible, and implications so that client can make informed decision.
Net Metering
* Detailed drawings compliant with Discom rules are made and submitted to Discom.
* Multiple visits by engineers and staff to Discom to resolve queries and provide information.
Net metering is a process between client and Discom. It is facilitated by Exolar. So cooperation from client is very important.